Since 2005, we have between us, been identifying many community, upland and coastal issues. Now is the time to act to solve them.
A National Park may become the only legal means for Galloway and Ayrshire upland and coastal communities to gain long term funds and sufficient funds to reverse community and nature decline.
Why homes and Jobs matter
A thriving Galloway Ayrshire upland and coastal area can only thrive if our settlements and communities are thriving. We need jobs and quality work and for that we need businesses. We need to have homes that we lose to retirement AirBnB and 2nd homes replaced so that we can attract and retain young families to fill the jobs we create and they need homes to live in. Helping settlements and communities rebuild their sense of place and belonging requires both jobs and homes within our upland and coastal communities
If nature and habitat could speak
It all began a long time ago but the effects of man’s over consumption has eroded our delicate habitat and our native species are struggling against losing habitat and encroachment of human activity on the natural world that our species inhabit. Golden eagles killed by wind turbines cannot vote or speak; red squirrels being diseased and chased out by the grey squirrels imported by our ancestors, neither. Our nature and species are at the heart of our environment and community. We can help them speak, with your help.
Why gateway towns hold the key
Our gateway towns are places where most of us congregate and shop. These gateway towns are every bit as much part of our Galloway and Ayrshire upland communities as we are. Our Galloway and Ayrshire upland and coastal settlements form part of this wider sense of presence, place and belonging. that together with our Gateway towns form the key to revitalising our Gateway upland and coastal Galloway and Ayrshire. Our Gateway towns welcome our visitors and will form the beating heart of the welcome to our revitalised communities.
Creating rural business
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project or service to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference. Taking your ideas and helping you turn these ideas into business is what Galloway Ayrshire seeks to achieve. With hubs for business within settlements and communities we plan to give you and your ideas every chance to succeed. Creating business can create jobs and our help can come in many forms along the way. We are on your side and by your side. We aim to identify business sectors that can thrive in rural and coastal Galloway and Ayrshire between now and 2050.
Helping rural business
Starting and running business can be both challenging and sometimes lonely. We aim to provide support tailored to your business at each stage of your development cycle. We are seeking angels and mentors to help improve your ideas and operation and we plan to launch our Galloway Ayrshire CDFI Community Development Finance Institution to help fund business, through your growing and mature stages. Premises requirements change as needs change we are planning two Hot Desking Hubs with Meeting and Zoom/Teams rooms, and two Fibre-linked 3Phase micro workshop Hubs where you can come and work, meet others and get the support you need. Moving your business to Galloway Ayrshire will be made easy.
What does infrastructure do for us
Infrastructure comes in many forms and we all have different ideas as to what Infrastructure means. We understand infrastructure most when we do not have Fast Fibre Internet, when 3phase power is unavailable for your new business or when pubs and schools start closing because visitors are no longer coming or young families are not here to prevent our schools from closing. So adding homes for families; improving access to fibre internet and 3phase power; improving transport links; supporting cafes pubs and hotels to stay open are part of an infrastructure network - each one a small 1% incremental gain, that together make business, people and place become a thriving community.