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Workspce Skills Jobs

Jobs and business: Our young leave our communities with little or no employment or prospects within their community.. They need Jobs, Skills and new employers attracted to our upland and coastal communities. As our communities age and the world of work changes, many of us need new skills and new work opportunities.

People with seasonal work need skills to increase earnings out of season; others need skills to enable them to earn and to become economically active through ill-health, physical and mental and who require new skills as they get older and as previous occupations become less needed.

We must build our jobs and skills program around communities and our local need for skills, accessing our local and national educators for the skills we need for 2030.

Our National Park must be digitally connected and focussed around the skills and industries that will thrive in rural and Gateway communities between 2030 and 2050

National Park centres of learning must focus on connecting young secondary and tertiary pupils with the best learning and qualifaications worldwide

Creating teams of our best educators and strategists to identify skills we need and to create a pathway to attract our own young to stay in Galloway Ayrshire and to attract young fro cities worldwide to settle with skills and energy that we need


We must identify:

  • local educators and businesses able to create skills and learning opportunities.

  • sites for workspaces in communities and hot desking sites with fibre broadband.

  • finance to create our own Community Development Financial Institution CDFI Our non-profit lender that provides debt finance and support to businesses in underserved communities.

  • other seed and starter funding.

  • mentors and angels for new and existing business.

  • cities where young people are creating growth businesses that could move here.

New businesses need access to 3phase workshops, hot desking workspace and meeting rooms and access to mentors and growth finance.

We need community teams supported by experts from our Councils, our Enterprise Agencies, Our Nature Agency, and our Ministers Cabinet Secretary Rural Affairs and Deputy First Minister, Cabinet Secretary for Enterprise. We need experts and admin folk seconded to each one of our teams.

Our teams need to build better Jobs and Skills to create new business from micro , small to mid size. We need to get the best out all of the people we have in our Gateway towns and settlements and we need to build robust means to support both the young and those with a need to repurpose their skills to create higher value for themselves and for our communities

We have to recognise that since COVID, work is changing; skills are changing and we need to build our National Park around the Job and Work ethos of

·      Workplace and workspace digitally connected to markets and colleagues worldwide

·      Focus on maximising contributions from neurodiverse ADHD and other massively skilled people who previous generations have failed to embrace

·      Focus on giving our young people opportunities from secondary education onwards – with extra training and input as required

·      Focus on retired and other individuals who wish to re-join the digital and connected micro business economy

·      Focus on reskilling people through retirement; changes in physical ability and changes in personal circumstance

·      Provide Logistics and transport skills  to give all communities access to Gateways and cities and overnight logistics to UK Europe Ireland

·      Focus on AI, Web, TikTok, Instagram Facebook and Youtube  skills and training  with facilities and programming assistance and training accessible to all our communities

·      Train everyone in Building  and Home and catering skills and focus on getting our communities full of people with skills that are relevant to community life

·      Building design, product design, broadcast design skills and experienced retired individuals creating “Experience Banks” that our communities and individuals can benefit from

We need community-led teams that are very results driven and  not frightened to be bold and forward thinking to open up skills and job opportunities to everyone within our communities.

1.     Young Skills team

·      Educators and other learning resource providers; recognising that new and specialist skills may require fast track access to new courses and creating new methods for young to gain rapid certificatable qualifications

·      Focus on hands on practical machinery based skills that suit our Energy, Agri Forestry, Wood and other emerging industry

·      Focus on computer, design and creative skills as they emerge with best worldwide access to training and sponsoring access to key skills

2.     ReSkill team

·      Practical skills that enable people in communities to earn more or to get greater satisfaction by broadening the range of work available; either from home or one of our Hot Desk Hubs; micro industrial units or working for one of our new employers

·      Tickets and certificates that give access to work and enable locals to take on work that is now performed by people coming into our region by the day or week

·      Creative and connected skills and certificate obtaining clear process

·      Training for those who need new skills as they get older or who need new skills to give people with illness or disability access to work that makes them feel valued and by contributing to work and community, they earn more but also feel useful productive and fulfilled by learning new skills and creating meaningful community and economic contribution

3.     Community and Gateway Business infrastructure team

·      Building and repurposing existing building to create Hot Desking Hubs with creative media facilities; Zoom/Teams meeting rooms; collaborative spaces and safe non-home digitally connected spaces for individuals and small businesse. We need to evolve these spaces as new businesses are created and as capacity requirements grow

·      Hot desk Hubs can also incude access to either shared or connected transport; car or van share and other means to make work more economically effective

·      3Phase enable micro Iindustrial units on flexible lease and economic terms to encourage small business to start and move to our rural and upland communities

·      Digital infrastructure – supporting micro and small business with technology

·      Logistics Infrastructure
