· 1. Housing –300 new “rent in perpetuity” houses in 10 years; £15m or £150k per unit:
o National Park Funds £600,000 per year 40% - £6m
o Tax incentivised Community investors £300,000 per year 20% - £3m
o Public sector Housing grant funds £300,000 per year 20% - £3m
o Commercial borrowing or 3rd sector £300,000 per year 20% - £3m
· Jobs and Training – 500 new Jobs in 10 years Investment £3m
o Partner with Dumfries College, University West Scotland SRUC and Glasgow and Edinburgh colleges to create National Park Skills program
o FastTrack students from secondary education to through tertiary education
o Fund students from Dalmellington Castle Douglas Newton Stewart Stranraer Kirkcudbright Dalbeattie Dumfries schools to specific skill objectives
o Focus skills on Creative and Workshop industries to process products from Agri Energy Forestry and Marine and sector specific AI and creative needs
o Rangers and Guiding as a career
· 2. Infrastructure for Business – refurbish and repurpose redundant buildings and/or newbuild within settlements to create. Investment £2.5m
o Two Hot Desking hubs with Fibre Internet, Meeting rooms; Presentation areas for creative and service based existing and new business
o Two Digital- enabled 3phase Workshop hubs up to 10 business units each New business and attracting existing business to industries related to processing locally produced raw materials
· Public Toilets as a Business – create a network of Public toilets building 10 new toilets every year around Day visitor activity need. Funded by National Park
o Create a Toilet building business with local employees
o Create a Toilet Servicing business with local employees
o £100,00 annual budget
· Nature as a business – train local people on skills required to set up government funded businesses that target habitat restoration
o Peatland restoration business
o Tree planting and native species nursery business
o Nature Trails and Live Feed Nature observation business to service Gateways
o £200,000annual budget
· Shoulder Season Day Visitor Marketing and Booking program –100 new tours • Online Booking • Support existing operators and attractions•
o Aimed at active and interest-driven Central Belt day visitors
o Maps and guides for Walking tours. Maps and guides for Cycling
o Hill climbing challenges for all levels Maps Guides Starting points
o Dark Skies tours and events• weekly programs • online live links
o NatureWatch tours and Art and Photography tours through different routes
o Heritage tours linking Gateway centres with Built heritage attractions
o £700,000 annual budget
· Transport– incentivise visitors to leave their cars at Gateway centres to enable
o Point to Point Walks; Point to Point cycling routes
o Tours start at Gateway centres combining food activity and attraction offers
o £500,000 annual budget
· Hospitality Infrastructure refurbish closing closed or redundant hospitality venues
o Funded by National Park hospitality fund as secured equity partners
o £900,000 annual budget
· Gateway centres; Activity hubs – built around Gateway towns and serviced car parks
o Free Parking start points for Tours, Walks and climbs
o LiveFeed of Nature and promoting Tours attractions and activities
o Cycling, Hill climbing and Mountain biking hubs
o £500,000 annual budget
· Farming, Forestry and Energy Industry support
o Enhanced protection for farmers against initiatives that threaten livelihood
o National Park Premium for Native species planting and Native breeds
o Agri brand produce help from lamb, beef, wool; hide milk and cheese
o Assistance for Farm diversification projects
o Community/farmer venture fund for Innovative use of farmland or building
o Wood processing and creative woodworking grants and training
o Energy use and energy processing industries innovation fund