GallowayAyrshire 2030 Vision in 10 points
· 1. Housing –up to 300 “rent in perpetuity” houses in 10 years; 2 to 6 units per site.
· 2. Jobs and Training 800 - 1500 new Jobs in 10 years.
· 3. Infrastructure for Business – refurbish and repurpose redundant buildings and/or newbuild within settlements to create infrstructure for new and existing small business
o Two Hot Desking hubs, every 2 years, with Fibre Internet, Meeting rooms; Presentation areas for creative and Zoom/Teams Hubs for service based existing and new business.
o Two digital-enabled 3phase Workshop hubs up to 10 business units each, every 2 years for new business and attracting existing business to industries related to processing locally produced raw materials and leveraging of business ideas from mentors and angels.
· 4.1 Public Toilets as a business – create a network of self cleaning Public toilets building 10+ new toilets every year around Day visitor activity need. Funded by National Park but run as a business.
· 4.2. Nature as a business – train local people on skills required to set up government funded businesses that target habitat restoration
· 5. Shoulder Season Day Visitor Marketing and Booking program – 50 new tours • Online Booking •
· 6. Linked Transport incentivise visitors to leave their cars at Gateway centres.
· 7. Hospitality Infrastructure refurbish repurpose and assist closing, closed or redundant venues. Staycation and Day Visitor marketing and booking can also assist in maximising monetisation of visitors for both existing and new and refurbished venues and infrastructure; working with and alongside SSDA.
· 8. Gateway centres & Activity hubs – Gateway town and serviced car park Hubs on key Gateway routes.
· 9.Farming, Forestry and Energy National Park support Enhanced protection for farmers, forestry and energy against initiatives that threaten livelihood.
10.National Park and Gateway Town, Guiding, Ranger and enforcement service
costs for Housing are based on JLL average costs for social housing and based on a mix of sizes
costs for Job creation and for business space development are estimates based on completed National Park UK projects on the low budget scale but are subject to more detailed costing and are provided for illustrative purposes to show what is achievable.